Animation Tests

click to start animation, on demand repaint

click to start animation, auto repaint

div animation

test div 7

custom animation using callbacks

Animation with 'ooBefore' and 'onAfter'. Sets fill to green before animating, to blue after.

Simple prop anim with loop forever

new PropAnim(rect,"x",0,200).setLoop(-1);

Simple prop anim with loop 3 times

new PropAnim(rect,"x",0,200).setLoop(3);

Simple prop anim with loop forever and auto reverse

new PropAnim(rect,"x",0,200).setLoop(-1).setAutoReverse(true);

Simple prop anim with loop 3 times and auto reverse

new PropAnim(rect,"x",0,200).setLoop(3).setAutoReverse(true);

Serially chained anim.

var a1 = new PropAnim(rect,"x",0,200,1);
var a2 = new PropAnim(rect,"y",0,100,1);
var sa = new SerialAnim().add(a1).add(a2).start();

Parallel Chained Anim

var a1 = new PropAnim(rect,"x",0,200,1);
var a2 = new PropAnim(rect,"y",0,100,1);
var pa = new ParallelAnim().add(a1).add(a2).start();

click once to start, and once to remove running animation